Come to Tustin Auto Center & Support Local Schools!

During the month of October Tustin Auto Center is donating $50 per lease or sale to the school of your choice! As a part of the Tustin Community, Tustin Auto Dealerships are always trying to find a way to give back. We aim to further excellence in our local schools and encourage more community involvement.

This trend is growing for dealerships all around the country! This year, more than 70% of new and used car dealerships have increased their charitable giving efforts, according to a survey conducted by the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) and Ally Financial. Of those, 90% support community service and local organizations! Tustin Auto Center is glad to be a part of the 70%.

If you aren’t sure who you would like to donate to, look no further than our local Tustin Public Schools Foundation who has been helping the Tustin community accomplish their educational dreams since 1989!

With one of the largest selections of certified pre-owned cars for sale in orange county Tustin Auto Center represents 16 brands with hundreds of late-model, low mileage vehicles! Offering a wide selection of used cars in orange county you are sure to find something you love, all in one location conveniently located off the Santa Ana Freeway between Red Hill Avenue and Jamboree Road.